Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Vote for Janet; Mel Gibson wants beer

Someone called Russell Davies (an enthusiastic and amiable amateur) has decided that my blog is the best on the internet this year. But to quell the naysaying proles, everyone has to vote for me to prove this.

Do this RIGHT NOW at the online voting booth. Then continue reading.

Writing the Best Blog on the Internet is the one to go for. Everything else is essentially the 'Lib Dems' - worthy but essentially ineffectual and a WASTE of your voting rights.

My husband has been getting involved by sellotaping a piece of A4 on the front door with VOTE NOW written on it in red biro. The postman got irate because he'd taped it over the letterbox and got confused about the general election. (There isn't one. I checked).

Herman told him to "post around the propaganda" which doesn't make sense and irritated the postman AND me. Propaganda is NOT advertising (contrary to Alan Sugar's opinion).

Anyway, the postman agreed to shout "VOTE JANET" through every letterbox of houses which looked wealthy. This is a GREAT piece of planning as wealthy houses will have the internet and are probably already aware of the debate (ahead of the curve). Do postmen make great planners or are they killing it? You decide.

In other great news, I SAW a windmill at the weekend and DEFINITELY felt about 75% happier. The sooner someone gets this into an advert, the sooner we'll ALL see the ROI.

Herman also suggested that a good "no-thinker" would be for Linford to marry Agatha Christie but he hasn't done the "maths" on this one on both levels: she's dead and this wouldn't create good advertising.

The key really is to vote NOW though.

Cinema advertising idea: A Web 17 concept would be to have speech recognition software in every cinema seat. If Mel Gibson was on screen and said "I'll have a beer", you could say "me too" and Amazon would deliver one to you (or your work address if you think you'll be out when they try to deliver it).

This would be a SENSATION (especially in the South East where they're ahead of the curve). I can't think how many films I've wanted to say "me too" at. A conservative list would include:

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